Thursday, February 18, 2010

Weekly Menu

I start my weekly menu on Wednesdays instead of the traditional Sunday or Monday. The reasons? Well, first off, we always go to Price Chopper on Wednesdays for their Wednesday Meal Deal. (Check it out, it's pretty awesome) Second, one of my favorite grocery stores gives everyone 10% off on Wednesdays as a Customer Appreciation Day offer. Third, I HATE going grocery shopping on the weekends. There are too many people and it drives Caleb and me CRAZY. I'm just not patient enough to deal with the crowds.

So, for me, Wednesdays work out well. No one's around and the sales from the weekend still apply, so why not.

Here's my menu for the week:

Wednesday: P.C. Wednesday Meal Deal

Thursday: Sushi, Miso Soup, and Salad w/ Asian Dressing

Friday: Homemade veggies pizzas, salad, and appetizers for Girls' Night

Saturday: Chicken Quesadillas w/ Red Rice and Black Beans

Sunday: Tune Noodle Salad (Make to go- RPG night @ friend's house)

Monday: Beef Tacos w/ Red Rice and Black Beans

Tuesday: Pork chops w/ Sauteed Potatoes, Sauerkraut, and Corn

Breakfasts are yogurt and Lunches are leftovers. Snacks are cheese & crackers, chips & salsa, fruit, and granola bars.

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