Friday, February 19, 2010

Recap of this Week's Goals Plus...

Well, I accomplished most of my goals this week, although I think that they were pretty easy ones! Here's how I did:

1. Clean the house for Saturday's dinner. Check!
2. Get everything ready for Valentine's Day. Check!
3. Make reservations for our outings on our vacation in a couple of weeks. No- I'll finish that today
4. Make menu for next week & post it on Sunday. Sorta check- I'm doing them on Wednesdays now
5. Participate in Food Waste Friday. Nope. I am planning on doing this on Saturday.

As for the bigger things, I have already accomplished a lot of those goals so I think I need to revisit them. Sure, I still have to work on exercising, etc. But the blog Anything It Takes has given me a lot of inspiration. I came across it through The Frugal Girl blog and I cannot stop reading it. The writer of AIT sounds a lot like me and her goals sound very similar to mine. So, when I decided to redo my goals list, many of my goals are the same as hers- but don't let that fool you. They are things I've wanted to do in my own life, but didn't think they were important enough to put down in words. Seeing her blog, I realize that they are important goals.

I've also decided I need to have weekly, monthly, and annual goals. I believe this will help me with my little *cough* procrastination problem. I'm going to start here with this week's goals and talk about the other ones in upcoming posts.

Goals for Week February 20-26

1. Go to Ikea and not buy more than $50 worth of stuff
2. Make Tuna Noodle Salad to take to party on Sunday (recipe to come)
3. Do 3 loads of laundry
4. Input 30 movies into DVD database
5. Find women's shelter to take donations to
6. Make vacation reservations
7. Work out 1 time
8. Track weekly spending
9. Do menu on Wednesday
10. Get rid of 5 pieces of clothing

So, does 10 things sound like too much to accomplish in a single week? Last week's goals were almost too easy to accomplish. We'll see next week how I did...

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