Friday, November 18, 2011

Hot Spot #1 Update & Moving on to Hot Spot #2

I was so excited to make this my first hot spot.  While I didn't declutter as much as I'd have liked, I did identify a couple of items to go.  The rest I intend to wait until our new hutch arrives to see what does and does not fit.

That's right, the hutch has still not arrived.  I had made arrangements for the hutch to be delivered to our house last Saturday but nobody showed up.  Now the earliest I'll be able to get it is the weekend after Thanksgiving.  :(

In the meantime, our kitchen looks like this.

Ugh.  Even I can't stand it!

Since this hot spot is at a standstill until our new furniture arrives, I've decided to move on to Hot Spot #2- the pantry.

Every once in a while I go through and reorganize my pantry.  The biggest challenge is that I am constantly reassessing what I actually want our pantry to hold.  Right now it holds all of our pastas, larger canned goods, baking supplies, canning supplies, excess glasses, wine, and the liquor that doesn't fit in our liquor cabinet.

So, the first step is for me to figure out what I want our pantry to hold.  Once the new hutch is in place I intend to move the wine rack and liquor cabinet into the kitchen, which should free up some room in the pantry.  It will also hopefully encourage us to drink or share our stash of wine and liquor.  My goal is not have any more liquor than what can be contained within our liquor cabinet.  We'll see how this goes!

With the wine and liquor out of the cabinet, I'd like to make room for whatever china won't fit into the new hutch.  These pieces are an absolute must keep since 1) they were wedding gifts, 2) I use them for all parties/meals we host, and 3) I love them!  This is also true of all of our glassware.  I readily admit we have a ton. {Insert picture of glasses}  But I've used all of these over the years.  When you're inviting a lot of people to your home for a holiday party you do need that many glasses!  Sometimes I use plastic, but most of the time I don't.

I'll also continue to store all of my baking supplies in the pantry.  The other food stuffs are all up for discussion.

As part of this overhaul, I'm also going to do a couple of things: fix the bottom hinge that has been broken since we moved in (*blush*) and add some hooks to the back of the door for my mops and broom.  I also want to add some pretty wallpaper to the inside walls.

The next couple of weeks will be pretty hectic, to we'll see how successful I am at actually finishing this hot spot before the holidays end.  I will keep updating, showing my shame, which should help encourage me to finish this quickly.  :)

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